
Friday, October 15, 2010

Colour Me Beautiful

So today two ladies came in to do a workshop with TY's called "Colour Me Beautiful" which basically was a programme which enabled us to slot ourselves into a category...(soft / deep / light / warm / clear / cool) & see what colours & style suit us, depending on what group we're in :)
To start off, they described the different groups & gave us examples of celebrities from each one, eg:
Deep...Cheryl Cole
Light...Kate Moss
Cool...George Clooney
Clear...Anne Hathaway
Soft...Jennifer Aniston
Warm...Nicola Roberts
They then quickly divided us into our own individual groups...I was a "soft" & they asked for volunteers from each category to come up. They placed different shades of various colours on each volunteer, while the audience judged whether they suited the person or's amazing how different a person's complexion looks depending on the shade they're wearing!
Next we took a multiple-choice questionnaire which when we added up the marks at the end, told us our "style type." I myself got the "romantic" style type, which according to the test, means, I enjoy getting dressed up & being well....girly :)
We were also briefly, at the end, told about how body shape & size affects the size of patterns or items you should wear. For example, a person classified as "petite" should not wear large patterns, whereas, anyone over 5'7, should not wear small patterns.
Overall the day was a great success & I would definitely recommend it for incoming TY's =D

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